Overloads | Hockey Training

Play starts with 2 recovering defenders located at the top and bottom of the grid, one of which has a ball. ...
Objective – Where to cross and when to cross ...
Objective – Use the angles to penetrate the defense ...
SSG: connecting 2v1s
Objective – Manufacture 2v1s ...
4v4+2 Possession Practice
Objective – teach overloads ...
3v3+3 Switching Play
Objective – Possession and using the central high player for a pass to go forward ...
Objective – encourage attacking and combining in wide areas. ...
6 Goal Game
Objective – Creating overloads in wide areas ...
2v2 Channels
Objective – creating overloads/underloads ...
Objective – Teach people to guard after a pass ...
Objective – How to receive (lead) under pressure ...
Objective – Go wide to attack/Transfer ...
Objective – Looking to use the overload – zonal defence ...
Objective – Patience and overloads Whilst different numbers this video gives a good idea of how it works ...
Objective – learning to lead ...
Objective – High press and play the free man ...
Objective – See context, building overloads ...
The Right Hand Side Corner Game
Objective – Develop righr side attacking overloads ...
Win The Ball Back Gameplay
Objective – win the ball high ...
Objective – Transition – defending overloads ...
Hockey Training
Objective – Playing through the midfield  ...
Large square with small square in centre. Attackers placed in corners of outer square and 2 defenders stay in centre square. ...
Objective – Attackers – Forward to score asap/Defend the channels and slow the game   ...
Objectives – Improve sideline tikka takka/ channelling ...
Objective – do not waste your attack   ...
Objective – Composure & time/space ...
Objective – Manage overloads and score quick somehow ...
Objective – Transition and switch play ...
Players from the 23 metre line pass the ball to two players in the goal. These two players, on receiving the ball, can try ...
2 teams try and score by running the ball into the scoring zone. Rules are: You can only pass the ball back of square. ...
Defender runs into the box with the ball where the 2 attackers try to take possession of the ball on doing so the 2 attackers break out of ...
Cone off side of pitch | Attackers score by placing ball on end line | Goal scorer has to run off side of pitch around cone ...
Game makeup | 23 to baseline including D | 4v2 or 5v3 attacking overload | Defender passes to attacker | Try and score  ...