3v3+3 Switching Play
Objective – Possession and using the central high player for a pass to go forward
- 5v2 in one zone
- 2 on the wings, one on the base line and 1 on the centre line
- 2 Defenders in “zone”
- After ‘2 passes’ the 3rd defender joins in from the other zone
- Once all DEFs are in the zone, ATTs can switch to the other side (to score)
- If DEFs win the ball -> find a wide player to transition into ATT
- Every transfer (end to end) = 2 points, # of passes = 1 point
- Teams defend for 1 minute before swapping.
- Adjust the # of passes before 3rd Defender joins in.
- Create numerical superiority (provide options for team mate, find the free man).
- Attract pressure (use the overload, keep possession in one zone, use short passes, play ‘extra’ passes).
- Exploit space (switching play, when & how to switch the play ?).
- Depending on pitch size coach throws new ball in
- Put in from sideline or bas
- 3rd defender can join at any point
- Each time gets 5 balls
- Timed so pressure to get high fast
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