Runaway attacks

Objective – do not waste your attack

  1. Game is a 3v2 defense vs attack
  2. Starts from halfway line
  3. 5 cones – 2 colours one colour is defenders (2 cones) other colour is attacker
  4. Players stand on cones
  5. Midfielder pass to wing
  6. All run and try and score
    1. Use the spare player – ALWAYS
    2. Wing runs and does one of 2 things
      1. Runs down wing and tries to – Banana baseline attack
      2. Passes to top D
      3. Generates a short corner
      4. Crosses if option
    3. Hard pass to wing
      1. Reset to new players queued behind cones 

    Points for:

    1. Goal
    2. CE
    3. Short corner
    4. Strike

    SSP link

