Win The HIGH Ball Back

Objective – win the ball high

  1. 5 v 5 or 6 v 6 works well. Give time for teams to work out their tactics.
  2. Aim to win the ball high if no change then try to increase the number of points for winning the ball back in the attacking third.
  3. Normal goal is three points.
  4. Win the ball in the attacking third of the pitch to receive a bonus point.
  1. In Gameplay share the advantage of having one goalie by giving teams the chance to attack both ends of the pitch. Better still are there other goalkeepers in the club or school that would benefit from an invite to an extra session?
  1. All hit outs from the goal line (no 15m hits because it reduces the chance for each team to win the ball high up the pitch)
  1. Award a bonus point for winning the ball back in the same third that you lost it. Add this on top of the bonus point for winning it back in the attacking third of the pitch.
  2. Add in a bonus point for two players winning the ball from a player. Double teaming is a great sign that everyone is looking to win the ball.
  3. Ask what it looks like when an individual player is playing well in this game and what it looks like when a team are playing well.
  4. Award a penalty corner every time the attacking teams wins the ball back within 7 seconds.

Win The Ball Back Gameplay

SSP link
