A Website dedicated to Hockey Coaching.

It consists of large numbers of small sided games (SSG’s).

There are also a number of useful articles around mindset, coaching skills and the role of coaching generally.

This site is “work in progress” so the games are updated and amended based on outcomes and their ability to achieve the coaching game objective.

Elements of the game of Hockey

knowledge icon
Out of Possession

The best option to stop their go forward and win the ball back

Exercise/Game Categories

Up back and through
Passing Boxes
Passing Boxes
Pass, receive, carry
Pass, Pass, Pass
Receiving shuttles/Post up  ...
Triangle Game
Triangle Game
Rank my pass #7
Game #7 5-Alive
Marking & Receiving Under ...
One Touch Pass On The Move
One Touch Pass On The Move
Pass/Move to space
Score between cones warmup
Feed on goal
Relay Race #18
Passing & Receiving – ...
Run to receive
Receive to move in 2 touch
Box Passing – First touch ...
Passing and receiving rack

What's important

5 Hard Truths for players

  1. No one owes you anything.
  2. Nothing worth having comes easy.
  3. Hard work is the price of admission.
  4. Hard times create strong people.
  5. Improvement has no offseason.

Its never that easy!!!



Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up knowing it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be killed. Every morning a Lion wakes up knowing it must outrun the slowest gazelle or it will starve.

It does not matter whether you’re a Lion or a Gazelle when the sun comes up you better be running


4 things that destroy player potential

  1. False sense of role and ability (entitlement)
  2. Unwillingness to sacrifice instant gratification for long-term results
  3. Refusal to work on the uncomfortable
  4. Inability to hear and accept the truth


An interesting latin phrase

Sumus Semper in cacas.
Tantum variat in profunditate et constantia




COACHES – Think like a farmer

  1. Don’t shout at the crops
  2. Don’t blame the crops for not growing fast enough
  3. Don’t uproot crops before they’ve had a chance to grow
  4. Choose the best plants for the soil
  5. Irrigate, fertilise and remove weeds

Remember you will have good seasons and bad seasons – you can’t control the weather only be prepared for it


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