3v1 or 2 – gauntlet
Objective – Patience and overloads
- Create a 3 or 4 zoned area (size based on age)
- 1st defender passes to attackers who now attempt to get from area 1 to area 3 without losing the ball
- Each box is a 3v1 and the defenders are not allowed out of their zone
- The defender passes to any of the 3 attackers who then go on to take on a 3 vs 1 in each section.
Option 2
- Make each zone discrete and have defending areas and do 3v2
- Offer up options
- Leading hi, wide and low
- Left foot pass
- Start again by coach passing the ball in
- Defender to jump back so a 3vs1 becomes a 3vs2 then a 3vs3
- Reduce size of boxes
- 1 touch or 2 touch or 3 touches
- Minimum number of passes before can proceed
Whilst different numbers this video gives a good idea of how it works
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Home » Skills & Techniques >> Elimination, GamePlay >> Leading, Press/Counter Press, Overloads, Apply Pressure, 2v1, 1v1, Done » 3v1 or 2 – gauntlet