Ball carry from base to ? Players start on 25 and sprint with ball until half way/base line Players have to listen to coach instructions: Stop = stop ...
Teams of 5. Each player is numbered 1-5. Coach calls out a number and that player(s) run from their box and play against their fellow numbers from the ...
4x10x10m squares in a square (20*20). Players carry the ball around all the squares. Cones used to give players instruction. Green- sprint, Orange- jogging, Red- stop. Progression 1: Introduce ...
With the proliferation of injury in younger children I thought it appropriate to have a “Personal exercise programme” (PEP) that reduces the risk of injury – especially knee ...
Cones in a specific shape (Triangle usually best) 1 less player than shape – Each player has ball They chase each other around the cones Can alternate direction ...
Create groups of 3 Place all groups in defined area Make them pass to each other Progression Specific weight of passes Specify types of passes (slap, push, hits ...
Pick a leader and have him dribble anywhere on the field Encourage him to make lots of turns, changing speed, etc. All other players have to follow the ...
Start with a person in the middle. That person is the thrower, or “it.” Everyone else should stand within arm’s reach of the thrower. The thrower tosses the ...