Post Up
Objective – How to receive (lead) under pressure
- Attacker passes to teammate
- Teamate has to Lead/relead
- IF necessary post up with a wide based receive
- Roll either way and look to get the ball to the blue player in the end zone preferably by dribbling (2 goals) or passing (1 goal)
- Game now changes direction
- Sub inside players every 5 gos
- Lead
- Post up
- Wide based receive to protect the ball
- Dummy left or right and do a wide arc to get the ball high
- Mark hard
- Each team gets 5 balls see who scores the most
- End zone player can join and make it a 2v1
- Time to score
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Home » Skills & Techniques >> Elimination, Deny, Delay, Disrupt & Channel, GamePlay >> Leading, Marking, Apply Pressure, Done » Post Up