Jump back – fast forward
Objective – defensive 5ds and attacking at pace
Game makeup
- 1/6 pitch (depending on skills)
- Cone off side of pitch
- 2 teams 3 per team
- Attackers score by stopping ball under control on end line
- Goal scorer has to run off side of pitch around cone and come back to defend
- Leading run
- Speed of movement
- Forward first fast
- Driving hard and fast if there is space in front of them
- Communicate – who is going
- Are they using ‘Left foot pass’, how can we encourage this?
- Running angles
- Delay
- Deny the passing channels
- Do not commit
- Block/jab tackles
- Restart when goal scored
- Restart when ball off sideline to keep game going fast
- Pitch width and length
- Time to score
- # of players
- Distance cone is from pitch
- Limited # of balls to see who can score the most
SSP link
Home » GamePlay >> High ball/High Player, Press/Counter Press, Playing through, Overloads, Scramble/Transition to OOP, Zonal defence » Jump back – fast forward