Bumper Cars

Objective – Ball passing and receiving

GameFocus onResetProgression
  1. 1/8 pitch with a number of 5×5 yard squares inside
  2. Each square is a safety zone with a player without a ball they are recipients
  3. The other players dribble around inside the main area
  4. Two defenders – without a ball – look to knock balls out of the grid
  5. The dribbling players can pass to the safe zones (players inside a square without a ball)
  6. Each ball they knock out is worth 1 point
  7. The game stops when they knock all balls out of the area


  1. If a dribbling player wants a rest they can bump a player out of one of the safety zones
  2. When inside a safety zone, if a ball is passed to you and a player runs into your zone you must leave and dribble around
  3. If bumped out of a safety zone you can attempt to bump someone else out but cannot return to your own safety zone
  1. First touch into space
  2. Receiving the ball under control
  3. Passing under pressure
  4. Accurate passing
  5. Recognising pressure
  6. Eyes up

When all balls are out then swop defenders and attackers

  1. Reduce the size of the safety grids so passes must be more accurate.
  2. Allow players that have been knocked out of the game to become defenders.
  3. Competition to see who can keep their ball the longest
  4. Create 2 teams and score them
Players won’t stay in the safety zones for long!

Players won’t stay in the safety zones for long!


Defenders try to knock the balls out of the area.

Defenders try to knock the balls out of the area.


Dribble into a safe zone and bump the player out.

Dribble into a safe zone and bump the player out.
