Width | Hockey Training

Play starts with 2 recovering defenders located at the top and bottom of the grid, one of which has a ball. ...
Invite pressure to create space ...
Objective – learn to play as a spare AND managing as a team when marking  ...
Objective – using the baseline player as a bounce pass ...
Objective – Dynamic subs and all attacking and playing – width ...
Objective – Go wide to attack/Transfer ...
Objective – Looking to use the overload – zonal defence ...
Objective – Patience and overloads Whilst different numbers this video gives a good idea of how it works ...
Objective – Leading and counter press ...
Creative Shooting Challenge
Objective – develop shooting skills ...
Objective – learning to attack with height or width ...
5v5 + Wide Keepers
Objective – Test and move the keepers ...
Objective – Use the base line to help an attack ...
5v5 + Squares
Objective – Force width into the game and do not waste possession ...
Objective – Use the width and overloads to score ...
Objective – Creating and finishing in the D ...
Objective - Teach the attackers to press high and fast and to restructure dynamically ...
Objective – Motivating transfers and crossfield passing ...
Objective – Value of possession and risk management  ...
Objective – Teaching players not to give the ball away – DO NOT FORCE ...
4 goal width
Objective – Develop transfers & width   ...
Explicit Objectives 1.Generate width 2.Keep possession by pivoting ...
Explicit Objectives 1.Generate width 2.Keep possession by pivoting ...
Hockey Rugby
2 teams try and score by running the ball into the scoring zone. Rules are: You can only pass the ball back of square. ...
The game Using the wings in defined zones to move the ball "upfield" | 1/4 pitch | Joker "Wings" | 6/7 person teams | Score between cones ...
Large box with 2 x 2 central box | 2 teams with an overload on the attackers 4v2, 5v2, 6v2, 6v3, 7v3, 8v3, or 8v4 | Attackers play "away" from central box ...
4 goaler
Game makeup | 1/8th of pitch | 4 goals | 5v5 - formation is 1-3-1 | Team revolves every 3 mins so everyone plays striker | No contact – must rollout on contact and pivot ...
4v4 Width & possession
The game Using the wings in defined zones to move the ball "upfield" ...

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