Shooting skills
Objective – Develop shooting skills
- 4v4/5v5 Standard game play depending on pitch size
- One point per goal
- Double if you do any of the below or something different
- Forehand, hands apart
- 1st time shot or deflection
- Forehand spin shot
- Rebounds
- Deflection
- Clip hit
- Reverse stick
- As well as focusing on the skill ask players how they can create more of these opportunities as a team.
- Give time for some unopposed practise of new skills in ‘breakout rooms’ around the pitch.
- Encourage discussion between players about how to execute these skills.
Restarts from the baseline, other free hits and side-lines as per the match.
Change it:
- Change which shot is worth the most points.
- Add a bonus point for attempting each shot (plus the points for scoring)
- Ask players to suggest a type of goal shot
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