4 goal width

Objective – Develop transfers, pass out of pressure to space

  1. 4v4,5v5,6v6 etc
  2. 1/4 pitch in either direction
  3. 4 goals – each team is allocated 2 opposing goals to either defend or score in
  4. Normal hockey

Low pivot issues

Often in younger players the pivot stands too high – if that happens then:

  1. place a arbitrary line on the pitch and force that player to stay “south” of that line
  2. in addition you can set a rule that “receive from right pass left and vice versa”


  1. Move the ball to maintain possession
  2. Draw defenders to open passing choices
  3. Fast hard accurate passing over distance
  4. Easy passes to open space
  5. Changing Channels
  6. Movement off the ball


    1. Explode and implode – attacking/Defending


    1. Patience
    2. Do not dive
    3. Line 2 goal
    4. Step on press
    1. Normal Hockey
    1. 5 balls each to see who gets the most goals
    2. Limit time on ball
    3. Zone the pitch to start?
    4. Limit types of passes
    5. Turn and burn
    6. Reduce player nos keep game fast
    7. Add 3rd team to transition on an event
    8. 2 touch/3 secs on ball
    9. PIVOT/TRANSFER before scoring

    SSP link

