Box Passing – First touch, Next action

Objective – First touch, next action, “On the move”

  1. Box, triangle or any shape you wish
  2. 4 players for box
  3. 3 balls – one less than corners (if young then start with one ball and build)
  4. Aim is to pass to another player on the next corner in 2 touches
    1. Receipt/direct
    2. Pass
  5. To add pressure add balls
  6. To make competitive measure the time around the box or the number of passes in a time
  1. Body shape to receive and move
  2. Stick position and action to move the ball
  3. Passing accuracy and pace
  4. Pass off both feet
  1. Normal Hockey
  1. 5 balls each box and once they are gone they are done
  2. Speed and pace of passes
  3. Add balls
  4. Limit types of passes and receipts


  1. Passing through the square and how you move your body around the ball to pass
  2. Passing on opposing feet
  3. Add a defender (not allowed to tackle until top of square)

1v1 body position
