Creating space to receive
- Attacking – How to create space – relieving the immediate pressure on receipt of the ball
- Defending – Marking & putting pressure on ball receipt
Game 1
- Feeder looks to pass to Attacker
- On receipt attacker gives a wall pass (try and commit the defender)
Game 2
- Feeder looks to pass to Attacker
- On receipt attacker looks to pass to other player on left or right (again try and commit the defender)
Game 3
- Piggy in the middle with both attacker and defender
- Ball played in from feeder to attacker
- Attacker has to receive and pass the ball across the box (score a point)
- If has to do wall pass then no point
- If Defender wins the ball then they become the attacker and game goes in other direction
- Move away at an angle so the defender follows.
- Cut back quickly into the space created, leaving the defender trailing.
- Vary speed
- Lull the defender
- Silent comms where you want the ball – verbal, eye contact, movement.
- Variation – attack the space behind the defender.
- Put pressure on ball QUICKLY
- “Restrain” the attacker
- Stay in touch
- Anticipate the pass and intercept
- Make attackers life uncomfortable
- 5 balls for each attacker
- 2 or 3 touches before passing back
- Go around a cone left or right (game 3)
- Make it 2v2
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Home » Skills & Techniques >> Leading, First touch, Pressure, GamePlay >> Marking, Done » Creating space to receive