What does a coach want in a player
Let’s start with these 8 points
“Competitive Spirit” was at the TOP of Wooden’s Pyramid of Success. “Spirit” is contagious. Coaches want this to spread throughout the team. It makes good teams GREAT. “Spirit” WINS!
Worker Bee. Lunch Pail. Git-R-Done. Pick your theme. Coaches want players who do the work and find a way! They want a “No Deposit – No Return” mentality. Hard Work WINS. They want players who Bring It Every Day!
Are you: Accountable to yourself? Accountable to your coach Accountable to the TEAM? Coaches do NOT want excuse-makers. Coaches do NOT want blamers. Coaches want Accountable Players.
Smiles. High Fives. Fist Pumps. Affirmation. Rhythm Clapping. Lead OUT LOUD. Coaches want ENERGY GIVERS. Energy is contagious. Is your Energy worth catching?
Everyone can Lead by Example. It is a choice. Do the right thing. Say the right thing. Be a good person. Do this in your sport, in school, and outside of school. This is a Leader by Example. Lead Yourself FIRST. Then, LEAD OUT LOUD!
WE > ME. Players who sacrifice their own self-interests for the betterment of the TEAM. They understand that TEAM Sports is about something bigger than themselves. Coaches want “WE” Players.
Coaches want players who: Are committed in the classroom, Do the work, and Achieve on the court and in the classroom. Coaches want players they can TRUST. No Surprises. Student First!
Humble players live in the present. They do not live in the past. They do not live in the future. They have a “Next Play” Mindset. They keep the team Humble. Coaches LOVE Humble.
There are 5 things that tell you the level of commitment they have:
- What time they arrive at training
- The attitude they bring
- Their openness to feedback
- The questions they ask
- The extra work they are willing to do – doing the hard yards
This tells you where you are wasting your time
Thanks to Greg Berge & Alistair MacCaw
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