The most important question to ask yourself (perhaps!) Dreams and ambitions are hard work and take time and effort – before you start perhaps ask yourself: “What is ...
Champions take ownership of their attitude, effort, and mindset through the standard that they set. They know it’s important to create a standard and live to that standard ...
Self-Determination Theory (SDT) is a theory that attempts to explain what drives people. The theory says we are motivated when three needs are met: Autonomy (freedom to choose) ...
Creating your own luck isn’t about waiting for opportunities to fall in your lap, but your ability to actively seek them out. Successful people know that luck becomes ...
The biggest threat to greatness as a team is inside your locker room. Great teams are connected, coordinated, and committed. Great teams know the culture is only as ...
Failure isn’t a sign of weakness, it’s a sign of bravery because growth only happens when you learn from your mistakes and adjust. It means reframing the conversation ...
Complaining distracts… It distracts you from action. It distracts you from gratitude. It distracts you from finding solutions. It distracts you from positivity. ...
Here are the 5 ABCs of Winning. A = ATTITUDE Everything in life begins with your attitude, especially true in sport Your Attitude will determine your Attitude. Attitude ...
Kurt Warner called it the, “Greatest lesson he ever learned about life and football.” In 1992, Kurt Warner was a backup quarterback at the University of Northern Iowa. ...
Eight essential psychological approaches to creating a more competitive team with more competitive individuals: Here they are: Retrieval practice: After team meetings and during/after training sessions…checking and testing ...
Feedback is a gift to the recipient – BUT it must be done right How to do it effectively: Keep The Positive Personal and the Negative Technical Rather ...
Develop a mental intent model – this helps players choose where they want to position themselves in terms of performance. None of this is necessary to be seen ...
Before an event create a plan to think about focus, visualization, energy management, and performance. How will you focus before your event? How will you focus during your ...
Seven essential psychological approaches to creating a more competitive team with more competitive individuals: retrieval practice shared mental models game pre-mortem goal orientation approach behaviours pictorial metaphors attention-control ...
Your attitude is a choice on how you want to respond to life’s challenges. A positive attitude is a choice for hope and belief. A negative attitude is a ...
Showing Up You have to show up and do the work every day. It’s the first step in self-discipline because it’s where you choose long-term goals over immediate ...