Game makeup
- 1/4 pitch with an area in each corner
- 12-14 players players 2 teams (2 subs)
- Objective for defense is to channel and contain in corner
- Objective for attacker is to go through box and cross
- Normal hockey rules
- If attackers contained in “area” for more than 15 secs then turnover ball
- Subs come on when player loses the ball
- Attackers get 2 goals if scored from cross from channel
- Speed of attack
- Move defenders to get long passes
- Speed
- Possession
- Width
- Pin attackers on wings
- Close channels
- Do not dive
- Hunt in pairs
- Force mistakes
- Std rules
- If attacker is pinned for more than 15 secs then turnover ball
- Add/remove players
- Up the scoring ante
- Green card for loss of ball
- One/two touch
- Time in possession