Deny space & protect line to goal
Objective – Protect Line to goal for defenders
Game makeup
- Pitch size dependent on numbers
- 3 zones – 1 large central and 2 smaller at each end
- 2 teams
- Players can be 4/5/6 vary pitch size accordingly
- Teamscore by passing to end player “off the pitch”
- Speed of passing
- Movement off the ball
- Scan, receive, pass
- Communicate
- Dynamically restructure
- Closing passing channels
- Do not commit
- Patience, wait for mistake
- Block tackle
- Restart when goal scored
- Normal sideline hits
- Always restart from defense when over the back line
- 1 touch pass
- 3 touch pass
- Pitch size
- # of players
- 5 balls to discourage wastage

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Home » Skills & Techniques >> Deny, Delay, Disrupt & Channel, GamePlay >> High ball/High Player, Leading, Press/Counter Press, Playing through, Apply Pressure, Transfer/Change Channel, Scramble/Transition to OOP, Risk - Reward, Create Space, Zonal defence, Done » Deny space & protect line to goal