1v2 defending – double teaming
Objective – Teach defenders to communicate and control or “push the attack” back
GameFocus onResetProgression
Game makeup
- Start with 1v1 and progress to 1 v 2 (1 Attacker / 2 Defenders)
- All 3 players stand in the middle, 2 face one way and 1 faces the other
- The attacker (1 player) runs with the ball to the line turns around and looks to attack the other line
- The defenders (2 players) run to the opposing line and look to prevent the attacker scoring
- Defenders/Attackers win by stopping ball on opposing line
- If attackers win they get 2 goals
- Defenders objective is to channel the attacker off the side OR make them roll out
Break into groups and score each group then swop over and score the other group
- Delay and channel
- Block tackles
- 5 ds
- Communicate
- Do not dive/commit
- Force the attacker backwards
- Staggered approach
- Second defender to take lead from first and close passing channels
- Delay, Deny, disrupt – Do not dive
- Channel
- Double team the attacker and force a mistake
- Force the attacker to rollout
- Restart when goal scored – defense or attack
- Restart if ball goes over the side
- Reset after x seconds
- Give the attacker 20/30/40 secs to score
- Add another attacker in after 20/30/40 secs to put pressure on the defenders
- Each attacker has 1 ball so they try hard to make it count
SSP link
Home » GamePlay >> Channelling/5 D's, Apply Pressure, Skills & Techniques >> No Diving, Deny, Delay, Disrupt & Channel, Done » GamePlay » 1v2 defending – double teaming