1v2 defending – double teaming

Objective – Teach defenders to communicate and control or “push the attack” back

GameFocus onResetProgression

Game makeup

  1. Start with 1v1 and progress to 1 v 2 (1 Attacker / 2 Defenders)
  2. All 3 players stand in the middle, 2 face one way and 1 faces the other
  3. The attacker (1 player) runs with the ball to the line turns around and looks to attack the other line
  4. The defenders (2 players) run to the opposing line and look to prevent the attacker scoring
  5. Defenders/Attackers win by stopping ball on opposing line
  6. If attackers win they get 2 goals
  7. Defenders objective is to channel the attacker off the side OR make them roll out

Break into groups and score each group then swop over and score the other group


  1. Delay and channel
  2. Block tackles
  3. 5 ds


  1. Communicate
  2. Do not dive/commit
  3. Force the attacker backwards
  4. Staggered approach
  5. Second defender to take lead from first and close passing channels


    1. Delay, Deny, disrupt – Do not dive
    2. Channel
    3. Double team the attacker and force a mistake
    4. Force the attacker to rollout

    1. Restart when goal scored – defense or attack
    2. Restart if ball goes over the side
    3. Reset after x seconds

    1. Give the attacker 20/30/40 secs to score
    2. Add another attacker in after 20/30/40 secs to put pressure on the defenders
    3. Each attacker has 1 ball so they try hard to make it count

    SSP link
