Zonal Passing

  1. 2 teams (3v3, 4v4, 5v5)
  2. 4 zones dividing pitch length into 1/4s
  3. Aim is to score on far line
  4. Normal hockey but objective go high fast
  5. Pass over 1 line = 1 point, 2 lines = 4 points & 3 lines = 6 points
  6. Goal = 2 points
  1. Attackers
    1. Go high fast on winning the ball
    2. Face the pitch with open body ready to recieve & pass
    3. Clear your marker
    4. Take first touch to space – T&S
  2. Defenders
    1. Deny space
    2. Disrupt
    3. Channel attackers
    4. Look for interceptions
  3. Notes:
    1. How do players make it easy for team mates with the ball
    2. What’s the best way to score?
    3. Encourage Leading Runs to get across zones.
  1. Std hockey rules
  1. Double goals for speed of response (score in the next minute = 2 goals)
  2. Turn and burn
  3. Fixed no of balls encouraging possession
  4. Coach throws ball in from different place in different ways

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