Coach-Centred | Player-Centred |
The game revolves exclusively around the coach ("pass here", "dribble there", "run here", etc.) | Players are encouraged to make their own decisions |
Treats youth players like 'mini-adults' | Recognizes the age considerations of young players |
Plays his best team with the purpose of winning games | Gives all his players equal playing time with the purpose of development |
Criticizes players who struggle, and substitutes players after mistakes | Is patient with players and guides them through difficult periods |
Uses command coaching style only | Uses a range of coaching styles, selecting which one is appropriate in any given circumstance |
Focuses on team performances | Focuses on individual development, within a team context |
Sets goals for the players | Allows players to set their own goals, offering guidance when required |
Produces players that are robotic, lack decision-making skills, are defensive, easy to anger, and prone to frustration | Produces players that make their own decisions and are open-minded to new ideas |
Produces players that may lack enthusiasm | Produces players that are enthusiastic and show a commitment to excellence |
Rarely listens to opinions or advice from players | Listens to players opinions, producing a 'buy in' to the project |