Track your man
Objective – man 2 man marking
- 5v5 game (Can be a 2v2 or 4v4 in the middle if required.)
- Play 3 minute blocks
- High intensity game where players are looking to pass to their team in one of the boxes.
- Once you have passed to your team mate you switch and they join the game – defender now has to manage the new player
- Turn and burn
- Cannot score in same box consecutively
- All free hits must travel 3m before going to a scoring zone
- Looking at man 2 man marking
- What happens when you you need to switch player
- Defenders looking at marking and trying to keep them away from the other players
(think about body position in their marking to see the player on the outside)
Make the extra pass |
Find your players |
Play to space |
Forehand defence |
- 5 balls per team
- Double points if pass within 15 secs to new box
SSP link
Home » Skills & Techniques >> Ball Carrying, Leading, GamePlay >> Keep/Retention/Possession, High ball/High Player, Leading, Marking, Apply Pressure » GamePlay » Track your man