Player Leaders – what do they need?

Here is a TO-DO list for your Team Leaders – get it wrong and it can destroy a team 

  1. You MUST lead by example, if you cannot lead yourself then they will not follow.
    1. At practice
    2. In the locker room
    3. At training
    4. During game
    5. Halftime
  2. Put out the Fires
    1. Team leaders are junior firefighters.
    2. They put out the small fires that occur behind the scenes.
    3. If your leaders do not put these out, it will turn into an inferno.
    4. Infernos will destroy a team culture.
  3. Take Ownership
    1. You take responsibility for mistakes.
    2. You take responsibility for choices.
    3. You model ownership for your teammates.
    4. You do not let anyone on the team start to point fingers or make excuses.
  4. Be a Thermostat –  SET the temperature
    1. Be a Tone Setter.
    2. Be a Thermostat.
  5. Connect your Teammates 
    1. Teams are about human connection
    2. A team leaders job is to make sure no one is alienated.
    3. Make sure all are included in team activities
  6. Be an Energy Giver
    1. Leaders have to be energy givers.
    2. They have to bring positive energy to all that they do.
    3. Their energy becomes contagious and rubs off on others.
    4. When you have a team full of positive energy givers you will have a championship level team.
  7. Give Reminders and Feedback
    1. Leaders understand Culture
    2. Leaders understand Winning
    3. They give frequent reminders to teammates.
    4. These reminders help define the culture & help the team win.
  8. Be an Encourager
    1. Leaders are encouragers.
    2. They lead the team in touches, high-fives, fist pumps, and positive encouragement.
    3. They understand the impact this has on a team, especially during difficult times.
  9. Build Confidence in your Teammates
    1. Team leaders constantly build confidence in their teammates.
    2. Use purposeful words to help his teammates feel confident.

Why do leaders fail

  1. Setting a poor example
    1. When not done, credibility disappears.
    2. Who will want to follow you if you cannot lead yourself?
  2. Trying to make everyone happy
    1. Act on Principles, Standards, and Integrity.
    2. Have confidence you are making the right decision.
    3. Earn the respect of your team, not enjoy it and fail
  3. Positional Leadership Mindset
    1. Being named a “Captain“ only means you have a title
    2. Earn that “Leadership badge” each and every day
  4. Gossip – dont…
    1. You will lose the credibility & trust of your teammates.
    2. They will think “If he/she gossips about them, will he/she gossip about me?”
  5. Lack of follow-through
    1. Do what you say you are going to do – they need to  trust you
    2. Actions always speak louder than words.
  6. Inconsistency
    1. Leadership is a Lifestyle.
    2. You cannot lead only during practice or only during the in-season.
    3. Consistent leadership creates confidence in your team.
    4. Leadership is a Mindset.
  7. Fixed Mindset
    1. Team leaders cannot have a “fixed” mindset.
    2. They must have a “growth” mindset.
    3. Leaders must believe that the team/individual can improve and grow daily.
  8. Not confronting issues – be a firefighter
    1. Put out the small fires that happen behind the scenes.
    2. Uphold the standards and culture of the team.
  9. Failure to hold others accountable
    1. Accountability is hard for team leaders.
    2. Accountability is necessary for successful TEAMS.
  10. Protect your Culture
    1. Culture is what you allow
    2. Culture is what you emphasize
    3. Culture is every day.

In summary

Success Failure (? = “do not”)
  1. Positive Example
  2. Fires – put them out when they occur 
  3. Ownership – take it
  4. Set the temperature 
  5. Connect
  6. Energy Giver
  7. Reminders
  8. Encouragement
  9. Confidence
  1. ? lead by Example
  2. ? focus on keeping others happy
  3. Positional Leader – its for life
  4. ? gossip
  5. ? follow through
  6. Inconsistent
  7. Fixed Mindset
  8. ? confront the issues
  9. ? hold accountable
  10. Be the culture Gatekeeper

9 Traits that the best Team Leaders

  1. Commitment Level
    Everything in team success begins with Commitment. Your leaders HAVE to be committed. They are bought in. They have put in the time. They are invested, and because of that, TEAM success means something to them.
  2. Work Ethic
    The best leaders are your hardest workers. They lead by example with how hard they work. They bring out this work ethic in others.
  3. Trusted and Respected
    Great team leaders have the trust and respect of their teammates. They have EARNED this trust. They make good choices. They treat their teammates well. They are inclusive.
  4. We > Me
    The best team leaders are about TEAM success. They have a broad-based perspective. They want what is best for the Team. They are willing to do what it takes to help the Team win. It is not about them.
  5. Competitive Spirit
    Great leaders are highly competitive. They want to Win. They know HOW to win. This spirit is contagious with others on the team. This spirit creates a culture of winning and success.
  6. Bought into the Culture
    The best leaders are bought into the team culture. They are the “Gatekeepers” of the team culture. The “True” Culture of the team is the standard that team leaders allow. This is incredibly important in successful teams.
  7. Relationship Builders
    The best team leaders connect and build relationships with ALL of their teammates. They understand the power of positive interaction and energy and the impact this has on a team.
  8. Willing to Hold Others Accountable
    The best team leaders are willing to confront and challenge teammates when needed. They become “junior firefighters” and put out the small fires behind the scenes that can happen in a team. They hold others Accountable.
  9. Inspiration
    The best leaders have the ability to inspire their teammates and those around them. It is hard to do. This is the pinnacle of leadership.