Over coaching
Here are 8 quotes that shed some light on the legendary coach, Dean Smith.
Exec Summary
- Leadership – develop followers
- Praise the right things
- Life and Death – it is not otherwise you are dead
- Do Right – naturally and not forced
- Heartbeat – play as one
- Selfishness – do not allow
- Mistakes – accept and move on
- Over Coaching – let them think and do
The explanation
- “A leader’s job is to develop committed followers. Bad leaders destroy their followers’ sense of commitment.”
- A team of committed players will win.
- Develop a culture of commitment through effective player leadership.
- “Praise behavior that you want repeated”
- Its simple, you are what you emphasize.
- If you want repeated behavior, then praise the process.
- “If you make every game a life and death proposition, you’re going to have problems. For one thing, you’ll be dead a lot.”
- A great reminder to always think of the big picture.
- Sport is a game.
- “You should never be proud of doing the right thing. You should just do it.”
- Doing the right thing should be the standard, not a celebration.
- Next-level leadership cannot occur until players effectively lead themselves.
- “All games are beautiful when all on the pitch play with one heartbeat.”
- Create an expectation that all players work as one.
- “What to do with a mistake?”
- Recognize it, admit it, learn from it, forget it.
- Quick, simple, and effective.
- Do not dwell
- “One player’s selfish attitude can poison a locker room and make it hard, if not impossible, to establish teamwork”
- It is all about TEAM
- No one player was above the rest
- Create the expectation that you play as one, and any selfish behavior is unacceptable.
- “Over-coaching is the worst thing you can do to a player.”
- Less is more.
- Simple Wins.
- All great Coaches say this.
- Simplify what you do as a coach.
- Force yourself to do less. Let your players play free.

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