Leading – 4v4+1 #9
Objective – Teaching off ball players to lead for a pass
- 1/8th of a pitch
- 4 v 4 (+ 1 as a joker – who supports the possession team) ONLY if the team is sophisticated
- 5 sets of 2 cones 2m apart (goals)
(1 set more than the team players)
- Players have to score by passing THROUGH the cones to a member of their team
- Each through cone pass = 1 point – 4 points = goal (use cones to mark goals)
- Communicate
- Run off the ball
- Pressure on the ball
- Low and mobile body position / good footwork
- Defensive/Defensive transition
- Press after Loss
- Block the line 2 goal
- Interception/Channelling
- Attacking/Attacking transition
- Find T&S, width and depth
- Stick to stick, stick to space
- Make different goals worth different amounts
- Increase/Reduce size of box to add ease or difficulty
- Each team gets a fixed number of balls – pressure not to be wasteful
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Home » All, GamePlay >> Leading, Press/Counter Press, Apply Pressure, Scramble/Transition to OOP » GamePlay » Leading – 4v4+1 #9