First team vs Grass Roots
As a Head coach you need to be able to do 4 key things to a high level to have a chance to succeed
- It’s not just putting on a training session
- What is your game model?
- How well can you implement it in the time allocated?
- Which days of the week do you train your game model?
- What are your core principles and how can you teach the variations to problem solve?
- Training periodisation
- Year | Month | Week
- How can you maximise athletic performance and how do you vary the output per day?
- What is your objective within the area size and physical output outlined?
- This is a fine line for players who may need tailored programs
- Next Opponent Strategy
- You does your game model effect the principles you will stick to each game?
- How does the opponent set up and can you find the best way to approach the game?
- Where can the game be won and lost?
- Finding the right approach is critical
- Individual Player Development
- Your job as a coach is to win, develop players and create assets
- Can we use data, video and conversations to assess where we can create training activities to enhance the development of a superskill?
- Insight – Activity – Coaching quality
- There is so much more that goes into being a coach at professional level than just taking a training session
- Consider your own abilities
- How can you improve the implementation of your
- Game Model
- Training Periodisation
- Match Preparation
- Player Development
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