Feed on goal
Objective – Transition transition and transition
- 4v4, 5v5 etc
- Each team has a feeder in a corner
- Team A starts with ball
- If they score then they get another ball from their corner
- Miss then the other team gets a ball from their feeder
Transition transition and transition
- Mark your man – HARD
- Pressure on ball and man
- Protect line to goal
- V defence
- Leading runs
- Speed of attack
- Reshape fast
- Continue if score with new ball from YOUR feeder
- Miss and become defenders
- Add time limitation to score
- 2 touch
- Overload with feeder?
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Home » Skills & Techniques >> Passing/Receiving, Ball Carrying, Shooting, Pass & Move, All, GamePlay >> Composure/Patience, Create Space » Feed on goal