Deal with a slump

  1. A team in a slump…low on confidence.
  2. Players: Distracted – Lacking intensity – Executing skills with little or no intent.

Here is one solution, BUT difficult or not we first have to wrestle control of the narrative.

When you’re in a slump or low on confidence, you’re not driving the narrative…it’s driving you!

Get the team together and have a chat…

  1. When we’ve played well what does that look like?
  2. What are our strengths?
  3. Given our assets, if we’re playing at our best, what does this look like?

Strip things back to create a team performance process that relates to the things we can control.

  1. What we have to do to beat the next opposition.
  2. Not what we have to do to guarantee a great performance.
BUT instead

“All I want to see is what you players have told me. You’ve told me about us at our best. You’ve broken it down into three simple elements. These three elements are controllable…we simply need to do these…as individuals and as a team. Now, I want to see these elements.

You have permission
  1. To lose
  2. To make mistakes.
  3. To register an average performance.

But I want to see those three elements…I want to see this performance process….

Therefore the captain and coach are driving this…they are making sure every player is accountable to deliver on these elements.”

This may not solve it – sport is brutal and unforgiving…and with many people invested emotionally, individual solutions rarely work.


“Emerging from failure (probably) requires a performance process! It (probably) requires taking charge of the narrative. It (probably) requires taking control. And all the information we need…all the competencies we need are likely right here. Right here inside of us. Right here in the room and in the building. We just have to draw them out and focus on executing them like crazy.”
