Coaching using teaching

The world’s greatest coaches use teaching techniques in their coaching to help players engage, learn, and perform…

Here’s some details some fantastic teaching techniques that all coaches can use Rosenshine’s Principles of Instruction

Within this framework are lots of techniques coaches can utilise in every activity in every session, every day they coach

Rosenshine’s 10 principles are:

  1. Daily review
  2. Weekly & monthly reviews
  3. Ask questions
  4. Check for understanding
  5. New material in small steps
  6. Provide models
  7. Scaffold difficult tasks
  8. Guide practice
  9. Obtain a high success rate
  10. Independent practice

As you can see, all of these are relevant for coaches. Here’s a select few ideas how to use several of these techniques:

Principle: provide models:

Use a digital platform to show a model related to the instructions I’m giving to players

Principles: questioning & reviews:

 How about the question, “For you as an individual, what was important/useful today?”

…also use a review as this helps players retrieve information from the session, driving long term memory

Principles: small steps and scaffolding

Introduce a tactical concept in a no pressure situation…small steps are important, then incorporate the concept into decision-based practices with passive or semi-passive opposition”

Here are some great resources for Rosenshine’s Principles:
A great article from and
A great book from @teacherhead here:

Thanks to Dan Abrahams for loading this on twitter

