Coaching Advice
Some coaching thoughts and advice…
- As the coach, you are the leader. Lead by example.
- Culture is what you allow and what you emphasize.
- Play the long game with “culture”. There are no shortcuts.
- Culture is every day. You must think this way. If not, your culture will erode.Develop your leaders. Don’t hope or wish for leaders.
- Energy givers make a team. Reward your energy givers.
Game play
- After a win, you are never as good as you think. And after a loss, you never played as poorly as you thought.
- Create practices with a purpose.
- Do things in groups of 3’s. It is simple and easy to remember.
- Put your players in situations where they can use their strengths.
- Celebrate the small wins. Use the game within the game to set goals.
- Focus on the process, not the prize.
- Remember, leadership is a lifestyle.
- Pick your battles. It is always more important to win the war.
- Coaching is all about relationships. Work to build relationships with your players.
- Do not try to please anyone. It is impossible and will only cause problems.
- Celebrate all of the roles on a team. This is essential to create a positive team environment.
- Always celebrate WE over ME.
- Think about your player’s mental health. It is more important than ever.
- Over-communicate roles for your players and team.
- Communication is vital. Be clear, concise, and proactive.
- Be incredibly honest with kids and parents. Do not sugarcoat anything. It gets you in trouble.
- There is no substitute for hard work. As a coach, model the work ethic you want.
- Do yourself a favor and be very organized. It shows competence.
- Be a lifelong learner. The best coaches are constantly learning and getting better.
- Remember, comparison is the thief of joy. Don’t compare yourself to others.
- Enjoy the time with your players and have fun!
- Get to know the parents in your program when their kids are young. These relationships are essential later on.
- Find a supportive spouse. Coaching is challenging and time-consuming. It is essential.
With thanks to Greg Berge
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