Coaching Advice

Some coaching thoughts and advice…


  1. As the coach, you are the leader. Lead by example.
  2. Culture is what you allow and what you emphasize.
  3. Play the long game with “culture”. There are no shortcuts.
  4. Culture is every day. You must think this way. If not, your culture will erode.Develop your leaders. Don’t hope or wish for leaders.
  5. Energy givers make a team. Reward your energy givers.

Game play

  1. After a win, you are never as good as you think. And after a loss, you never played as poorly as you thought. 
  2. Create practices with a purpose.
  3. Do things in groups of 3’s. It is simple and easy to remember.
  4. Put your players in situations where they can use their strengths.
  5. Celebrate the small wins. Use the game within the game to set goals.
  6. Focus on the process, not the prize.
  7. Remember, leadership is a lifestyle.
  8. Pick your battles. It is always more important to win the war.


  1. Coaching is all about relationships. Work to build relationships with your players.
  2. Do not try to please anyone. It is impossible and will only cause problems.
  3. Celebrate all of the roles on a team. This is essential to create a positive team environment.
  4. Always celebrate WE over ME.
  5. Think about your player’s mental health. It is more important than ever.


  1. Over-communicate roles for your players and team.
  2. Communication is vital. Be clear, concise, and proactive.
  3. Be incredibly honest with kids and parents. Do not sugarcoat anything. It gets you in trouble.


  1. There is no substitute for hard work. As a coach, model the work ethic you want.
  2. Do yourself a favor and be very organized. It shows competence.
  3. Be a lifelong learner. The best coaches are constantly learning and getting better.
  4. Remember, comparison is the thief of joy. Don’t compare yourself to others.
  5. Enjoy the time with your players and have fun!
  6. Get to know the parents in your program when their kids are young. These relationships are essential later on.
  7. Find a supportive spouse. Coaching is challenging and time-consuming. It is essential.

With thanks to Greg Berge
