Press & Dictate – 5v4 press
Objective – Defensive press & channelling
- 4v3 (+ a joker if needed) or fix 5v4 or 6v4 – the aim is to dynamically manage a diamond/V shaped defense
- Attackers score in big goal
- Defenders score in either small goal
- Commence by passing ball from baseline to attackers on back line
- Big goal for attackers = normal goal
- Small goals for defenders = 2 goals for success
- Defensive goal for pressured mistake
- Defenders
- Pressure on the ball instantly
- Do not dive
- Delay, Deny Dictate/Channel
- V/Diamond structure
- Defend L2G (Line to goal)
- Approach the tackle as high up the pitch as poss
- Drag defenders out of position
- Patience
- Recycle
- Reset if ball off back line
- Add points if they force mistakes from attackers
- Limit balls so the attackers are under even more pressure to reduce unforced errors
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