4v4 diamond transitions

Objective – Defense and attack transitions – dynamically reshaping – Explode/Implode

  1. 2 teams 4 v 4 (5v5 depending on pitch space) – can add magic player if odd numbers
  2. Defending players aim is react and protect line to goal and force ball wide
  3. Attackers is to transition and play into space OR go high or wide fast

Play in sets of 2 mins

  1. 3 pts for std goal
  2. 3 pts for interception turnover which leads to a goal (3+3)
  3. 1 pt for 1 touch highball
  4. 1 pt for winning the ball back before it is passed


  1. Diamond shape
  2. Support in attack and defence – guard players and width
  3. Generating understanding of transition between defense and attack and how you move


  1. Anticipate – Look for interceptions
  2. Use first touch to take/play into space
  3. Forward first fast
  4. Leading runs
  5. Hi Lo wide we go


  1. Pressure on the ball (especially on receipt)
  3. Low and mobile body position / good footwork
  4. Force the attacker back
  5. Disrupt – get the stick in and force a ball handling error
        1. Any infraction coach throws new ball in
        1. Time to score
        2. 5 balls each to encourage retention
        3. Turn and burn after each score
        4. Add a magic player who plays for the possessing side
        5. Turn & Burn to encourage faster transitions
        6. Lose a player who loses the ball (unless he gets it back in 5 secs)
        7. Narrow/widen pitch
        8. Extra team – they replace the losing team when goal scored

        SSP link
