2 box – clear to space – #3

Objective: Win the ball and play to space ASAP

  1. Start from the central box with 4 reds on outside and 2 blues “piggy in the middle”
  2. Reds pass to each other around the box
  3. When Blues win possession they play out to the supporting 4 blues = 6v4.
  4. Two blues remain as floating players.
  5. If red win possession becomes 4v2 again
  6. Scanning the environment.

The focus on this game is transition to attack from defense with the EH elements of:

  1. Keep
  2. Create

With the principles of 

  1. Prescan
  2. First touch next action
  3. Stick to stick
  4. My next job
  1. Coach sends ball in
  1. One touch
  2. Two touch
  3. Total number of passes with 5 balls

Playing Around & Through - 4V6 - 3

Playing Around & Through - 4V6 - 3

SSP link
