2 box – clear to space – #3
Objective: Win the ball and play to space ASAP
- Start from the central box with 4 reds on outside and 2 blues “piggy in the middle”
- Reds pass to each other around the box
- When Blues win possession they play out to the supporting 4 blues = 6v4.
- Two blues remain as floating players.
- If red win possession becomes 4v2 again
- Scanning the environment.
The focus on this game is transition to attack from defense with the EH elements of:
- Keep
- Create
With the principles of
- Prescan
- First touch next action
- Stick to stick
- My next job
- One touch
- Two touch
- Total number of passes with 5 balls
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Home » All, GamePlay >> Keep/Retention/Possession, Clear the D, Composure/Patience, Transfer/Change Channel » 2 box – clear to space – #3