Stretch The Pitch

Objective – Teach team to stretch the pitch (height)

  1. 4v4,5v5 vary pitch size dependant on numbers
  2. Score once in goal scoring area

A thought –
Ask the players to split into two even teams.
Once they have tried ask them ‘are the teams fair?’
…give them a chance to make switches.

Use team talk time to ask players for their tactics (as a team) and the skills that work well.


  1. Context
  2. Prescanning
  3. Stick to stick


  1. Scanning
  2. Hard flat passing – stick to stick


  1. Deny
  2. Dictate
  3. Pressure on the ball
  1. Take a free hit from back line if long corner then start the other side
  1. Add points for each player in attacking D
  2. Give one player a Superpower e.g. a player gets a bonus point every time that they tackle in their defensive D and double points for every goal that they score in the attacking D (encourages the superhero to set an example of how one player can be both an attacker and a defender.)
  3. Time and # of balls

