Skip the lines

Objective – Playing through the lines

  1. Normal 7 a side In2 style game with a series of horizontal pitch lines
  2. People are dedicated to a zone and their objective is to move it to the top box where they can score
  3. Each time the ball is passed (NOT carried) over the line a team gets a point
  4. If they do 1 line they get one and 2 lines 2 etc etc

See similar on this video

Deny the channel

    1. Encouraging height
    2. Speed of transition (Explode)
    3. Pass high
    4. Forward first fast
    5. Speed on transition before the channels can be closed
  1. Normal game so no reset
  1. People can change zones
  2. 2 goals at each end to encourage switching
  3. Score in the next minute = 2 goals
  4. Time on ball restrictions
  5. One/2 touch

SSP link
