Skip the lines
Objective – Playing through the lines
- Normal 7 a side In2 style game with a series of horizontal pitch lines
- People are dedicated to a zone and their objective is to move it to the top box where they can score
- Each time the ball is passed (NOT carried) over the line a team gets a point
- If they do 1 line they get one and 2 lines 2 etc etc
See similar on this video

- Encouraging height
- Speed of transition (Explode)
- Pass high
- Forward first fast
- Speed on transition before the channels can be closed
- People can change zones
- 2 goals at each end to encourage switching
- Score in the next minute = 2 goals
- Time on ball restrictions
- One/2 touch
SSP link
Home » GamePlay >> Keep/Retention/Possession, Press/Counter Press, Playing through, Width, Composure/Patience, Transfer/Change Channel, Combination play, Done » Skip the lines