3v3 ABT (Always Be Threatening)
Objective –
- Coach feeds ball to the blue receiver (both receivers are constrained by cone gates)
- Blue now looks to get the ball to the OPPOSING (red) receiver as fast as possible (can be direct).
- The middle of the pitch has a 2v2
- The spare player (in this instance red) now must do 2 things
- Defend the line to the other player
- Put pressure on the blue recipient
- If the red team win the ball they are trying to pass the ball to the blue player in the red gate.
- If the ball goes off the sidelines – play as per a normal game
- If the ball goes off the base lines – the coach feeds a ball to the other teams receiver
- 1 for a pass to the receiver
- 2 for a direct pass from receiver to receiver
- ABT (Always Be Threatening)
- Play what you see
- Delay
- Find your player
Sideline then play sideline ball
Base line coach starts again
- Time to score
- x Balls per team
SSP link
Home » GamePlay >> Relentless, High ball/High Player, Press/Counter Press, Playing through, Apply Pressure, Create Space, Done » 3v3 ABT (Always Be Threatening)