Receive to move in 2 touch
Objective – Ball handling
- Separate squad into 2’s
- Each player faces each other
- In between are 2 cones
- Alongside each player is an offset cone
- Players have to pass the ball to each other through the cones
- Receiver has to direct the receipt around the other cone and pass back
Do 1 minute games and the most passes group moves up
- 2 touch receive and pass
- MOVE feet to receive and pass
- Direct the ball with the first receipt
- Wide based receive
- Slap pass at pace
- Accurate passes
- Keep on the ground
- Every minute start the game again
- Reduce (increase?) the gap between the cones
- Vary distance between players
- Different type of passing (push vs slap)
- Vary cones
- Give 5 balls so pressure to do it properly
- Time based – how many passes in 30 secs
- Slap not push so make harder passes
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Home » Skills & Techniques >> Passing/Receiving, First touch, Warmups - Activation » Receive to move in 2 touch