Rank my pass #7
Objective – accurate passing
- Specify a skill to practice
- Pushing
- Slap hitting
- Hitting
- Clip Hits
- etc
- Objective is to do a specified number of passes accurately (5 for youngsters and move up for older players)
- On conclusion move up one place and that team move down and start again
- ULTIMATE objective is to be the top ranked
- Gates to be 10 m away and 1 m apart (for younger players) vary distances based on age/ability
- How do you increase accuracy?
- How do you increase power?
- What does it look like when you start to pass the ball?
- What does it look like when you have finished passing the ball?
- How does it feel when you make a great pass?
- Stop the ball with wide based receive
Increase complexity of hit/slap etc
Change distances
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Home » Skills & Techniques >> Passing/Receiving, Stopping/Trapping, Junior, Warmups - Activation » Rank my pass #7