Pass under pressure

Objective – Comfortable to pass in tight spaces/close proximity to others


Game makeup

  1. 10 x 10 m
  2. 6+ players 
  3. 2 OPPOSING Players run to centre and pass to their LEFT corner
  4. They continue to the opposing corner
  5. Receiving player does the same form their corner
  6. Phase 1 pass left
  7. Phase 2 pass right

Get close to each other in centre

      1. Body shape
      2. Stick to stick
      3. Pace of pass
      4. INTENSITY
      5. Awareness of players around them

      1. Get new ball and start again

      1. Post up
      2. Pass pace
      3. Time no of passes so how many in 2 mins – repeat
      4. Restrict number of mistakes
      5. Alternate pass to left and right
