Score for a Player

Objective – Composure & time/space

  1. 2 teams
  2. Start with 3 v 3
  3. Coach throws ball in
  4. When goal scored attackers get an extra player
  5. Defenders pass to their team to get an extra player
  6. Defenders CAN exit D and then return to attack
  7. Keep cone scores
    1. 6 minute games
    2. Goals scored in normal way but:
      1. Deflection (2 goals)
      2. Small circle (3 goals)
    1. Speed of scoring
    2. Different techniques
    3. Utilise the overload – drag and drop
    4. Push ball high fast for deflections
    1. Goal or off the pitch then reset with ball from coach
    2. Score with cones
    1. Fixed number of balls per team
    2. Time to score
    3. Fixed scoring techniques – ONLY score with deflection


