Defending & Hitting to score
ObjectivesThe GameFocus onTransition/ResetProgression
Explicit Coaching Objectives
- Defenders to block tackle
- Defenders to jab to delay
- Defenders to channel to left and right
- Attacker/s to get through
Game makeup
- 1 v 1 – attacker vs defender to get to circle (can also do 2v1 BUT make lanes wider)
- When in circle attacker to slap/push/hit ball to score (Coach to vary skill technique)
- Vary 1 v 1 or 2 v 1 depending on success or skills
- Vary number of lanes based on players available
- Ball starts with defender
- They SLAP HIT to attacker (as though 16!)
- Attacker then makes their run (Defender can only start once attacker received)
- Defender attempts to stop them
- At end of run attacker strikes to score
- Once in circle defender cannot interfere “They are gone”
- Each attacker to keep their own score
Focus points
- Defender block tackle
- Attacker 3D
- Defender channelling
- Attacker hitting instantly in circle
Keeper objectives
- Keeper judges his run
- Moves left and right v v fast for other lanes
- Gets up fast
- Clears the circle
- On completion of each run attacker and defender are swapped out
- If 2 v 1 then rotate attackers and defenders
- Move teams up and down so they came into D from different angles
- Timed
- Vary lane width
- 2 v 1 (Depending on numbers)
- Type of goal hit
- Allow defender to defend in circle as well (to encourage a quick strike)
- Add defender from back line once in circle (to encourage a quick strike)
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