Coin flip treasure tag

  1. Play into teams approx 3-4 players per team.
  2. Each team has bibs/balls/scarfs (‘treasure) placed into a hoop. 4 or 5 cones are scattered around each hoop.
  3. Aim is to collect as many pieces of ‘treasure’ for your team in the time allowed.
  4. To steal a piece of treasure from another team you must first flip a cone:
    • If it lands the correct way up you may steal 1 piece of treasure and take it to your hoop.
    • If it lands upside down you must perform 5 star jumps before moving away and trying to steal from a different team
  5. Team with most pieces of treasure at the end of the time wins.
  1. Players can perform different exercises-e.g. burpees, tuck jumps
  2. Can have players dribbling/running with the ball and have to perform a set number of skills before moving on. Eg. football- 5 keepy ups, volleyball- 3 digs shots, etc.

Coin flip treasure tag
