How to build your resilience
Resilience is a set of attitudes, behaviours, and responses to short or long-term adversities. In hockey, it refers to a player’s ability to withstand challenges, setbacks, and pressure, both on and off the pitch.
The Principles:
- Attitude– “It is on you to have a great attitude.”
- Your attitude is a choice.
- Positive anything is better than negative nothing.
- What you think, you can do is what will happen.
- Embrace the challenge view the tough times as opportunities for growth.
Your attitude defines if you will say “Why me?” or “Why not me?”
- Belief– Belief is contagious. “If you put in the work, the results will come.”
- You have to believe in yourself and your team, ask … Do you believe that you can figure it out?
If you don’t believe you can then you won’t.
- Preparation– Once you have great attitude and belief, preparation is where success begins. 3 questions to ask:
- What did you learn from your setbacks?
- How can you change that?
- How will it be different this time?
Learn from your mistakes. The strength of the you and the team lies in its preparation.
- Execution– Even with the best game plan in the world, if you don’t execute, it doesn’t matter.”
- It means have a plan.
- It means communicate the plan.
- It means hold everyone accountable.
Be detailed and execute with purpose. Execution is everything.
Making the most of a bad situation:
When a challenging moment arrives players can use the following steps to help themselves overcome it.
- Identify what you can and cannot change.
- If the situation can be changed, take immediate, necessary actions.
- Adjust to things that cannot be changed.
- If it can’t be changed then work on changing your emotional response – control your negative emotions – do not react until you have had time to think – be flexible
- Recognize that struggle should not put you off your goals.
- Talk It Out, express your feelings to the coach or teammates
- Learn how to accept, “relax, calm your mind”
- Create a plan so you are prepared next time
- Set Realistic Goals – use the coach to help – goals give direction and purpose.
- Celebrate Progress every win is a win, it builds confidence.
- Encourage Adaptability – roll with it develop Flexibility builds resilience.
- Develop Self-Confidence – remember your past successes
- Use your team as a support vehicle (those players who are positive only please
Some further points:
- Truly resilient people move forward despite the struggles and pressures that come their way
- Whilst being resilient won’t make things better the learning and information provided will change you for the better.
- You do not have to win/overcome every struggle, there will always be “that one battle”
- If you cannot win every one then focus on doing the right thing 80% of the time
In summary:
- Attitude shapes actions:
Thoughts, emotions, and behaviour are the three components of attitude. Cope with and process what you are seeing and feeling.
- It’s on you:
Take personal responsibility for your reaction and journey.
- Think flexibly:
Attitudes should be flexible, accept that struggle has occurred. Identify what is and isn’t under the player’s control to change. Try out different responses to overcome the struggle.
- It is in the doing:
Resilient behaviours come down to action even if they are uncomfortable or unpleasant.
- Shared Struggle:
Each journey is different, share what you find tough and ask for help.
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