Breaking lines

Objective – Playing through, around or over

  1. 2 teams 6 v 4
  2. Objectives
    1. Red Team : To pass through the central line to their teammates.
    2. Blue Team: To work together to win the ball back and stop the line breaking pass.
  3. The red team in one half 3v2 starts with the ball
  4. Their objectives is to retain and recycle possession in this area.
  5. 2 blue defenders stay on the central line to block line breaking passes.
  6. The aim for the red team in possession is to move the ball with accuracy and speed to create central gaps
  7. Once the gap is created to play a line breaking pass through to the other side.
  8. Opposing side reds who aren’t in possession need to think about their positioning in relation to the ball and how they can move to create better passing angles
  9. Once the ball is successfully switched then the 2 central defenders move to press whilst the already pressing defenders move centrally to try and block the pass.
    1. Width
    2. Ball speed
    1. Any infraction coach throws new ball in
    1. Limit no of touches – 2 touches
    2. Time limitation

    Breaking lines
