2 Piggy Boxes
Game makeup
- 1 big box with 2 smaller boxes 5×5
- 2 teams with 4-6 players in each
- Each team has a player in a box
- Each team to keep possession for 6 (?) passes
- On completion of 6 passes they then play to central player to score a point
- First team to 3 points is the winner
- Patience
- Movement off the ball
- Fast passing
- Communicate
- Structure (Diamond)
- Disrupt
- Closing passing channels
- Do not commit
- Patience wait for mistake
- Swop on goal or when ball exists pitch
- 3 teams with winner playing off pitch team
- 1 touch pass
- 3 touch before pass
- Change scoring levels
The Law of Possession
The more space, the more time to execute with quality. Time and space enables quality actions, without time and space, players struggle to execute.
High pressure defence closing spaces/channels quickly reduces attackers time on ball. When attackers don’t have time, it results in lower quality attacking play.
- Create time and space by finding space and moving into it
- Move off the ball is critical to find that space
- Movement makes it more difficult to be marked and gives you time to execute with a higher level of quality
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