Turnover game

Objective – To develop game-awareness and reaction to turnover

  1. 2 equal teams
  2. 1 team defends main goal
  3. Other team defends two side goals
  4. Turn and burn so when main goal team scores in the two side goals then they now have to score in the MAIN goal.
  5. You only “score” in the main goal so motivating quick turnovers
  1. Quick response to turnover to re-find correct position on pitch
  2. High quality passing and receiving through pre-scanning, post-scanning and push passing

Std sidelines if back line then keeper starts the game

  1. Use a ‘magic-man’ by making 1 player on the side of whoever is attacking
  2. Add a touch limit- 4/3/2 touch before a player must release the ball,

Turnover game

SSP Link
