Scanning Boxes
Objective – Push pass and pre/post scan effectively
- 4 players stand on a side of a 10×10 grid
- Defender is positioned in the middle.
- Players attempt to make 5 successful passes to their teammates on the outside of the grid.
- After 5 passes If this happens or a turnover occurs then defender rotates.
- However, before a pass is made the sender must call the name of the person they are passing to before they receive the ball.
(This helps to reinforce the pre-scan.)
- Should the defender have covered their original pre-scan pass, the ball carrier may wish to change their mind as to who they are passing too.
(This helps to reinforce the post-scan.)
If you cannot pass then
- Drifting with the ball until a pass becomes available
- Move and lead dynamically to offer a passing option to the ball carrier
- Show where you want to receive the ball (with your stick?)
- Pre-scan to where you want to pass to before you receive the ball
- Receive the ball with soft hands in a 2 o’clock carry position
- Post-scan before you make the pass to see if the game has changed
- Make your pass using a lower body position to ensure maximum power.
If the defender touches the ball then the person who passed subs out with defender
- Players cannot pass to the player they have just received the ball from
- Players can move to different sides of the grid
- Players can only use 4/3/2 touches before releasing the ball
- Introduce another defender
- Decrease the space players are operating in
- Players come inside the grids to make it a 4v1 in a smaller space
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