Numbers game
Objective – To develop 1v1 elimination skills
- 2 equal teams
- Number each player in each team so they match up with the other team
- Coaches call out a number and throw a ball into the middle of the pitch where the 2 players compete in a 1v1 scenario.
- Players attempt to eliminate the other defender to score in the goal
This game leads to intense competition because every repetition needs players to sprint onto the pitch and try to score quickly.
Focus on:
- Great defending – no diving
- Tackling
- Eliminating fast
- Carry the ball at 2 o’clock
- Toilet seat carry position
- Keep head up when dribbling to find space
- Accelerate after the skill has been performed.
- What is an advantage of playing forwards quickly?
- What is the best way to score goals?
- What makes a great defender?
- Increase the number of players called out
- Increase the amount of balls used after number of players has been increased
- Reduce the space
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