Defensive Channelling

Objective – Teach the attacker to attack at pace while the defender channels

  1. Attacker starts on red cone.
  2. On a whistle the attacker looks to dribble the ball past the line of orange markers before turning towards goal and attempting to score.
  3. The defender starts on the blue cone without a ball and, starting at the same time, has to run past the line of blue markers before turning to defend the goal.
  4. Points are awarded for scoring a goal.
  5. Adjust the distance between the cones  so the defender gets to the top cone – just behind the attacker


  1. Attacking the circle is a way of showing how important channelling attackers away from the goal can be.
  2. The diagram shows the practise set up for attacking from the right hand side, it can be mirrored on the left side.
  3. Move the location of the cones and “throw downs” around the area so challenging the attacker and defender to come at if from different angles
  1. Use a part of the pitch that represents situations so it is realistic
  2. Do not dive
  3. Channel or dictate and deny

Start again

  1. Swap sides
  2. Increase the number of players per side to encourage teams to find creative ways to find space to play into (i.e. play 2 v 2)
  3. Give a time limit to score to incentivise attacking at pace.
  4. Emphasise channelling the attacker away from goal by giving a bonus point if the attacking side enters the circle through the centre third of the D
  5. Give a bonus point for winning a penalty corner to encourage defenders to tackle outside of the D. Give the defenders a point for shave tackles
  6. Add a second defender to teach “double teaming”


SSP link
